Vigneshwar Senthilvel, Student from (CSIR-IGIB) The brain behind 'Foolproof April' |
Today the entire world is talking about coronaviruses. But 6 months ago, the common people did not know much these viruses. The corona pandemic has not only created havoc in people’s lives but has also built tons of myths and rumours. This has created additional panic among people. While the complexity of the novel coronavirus has left the biologists puzzled, it may be difficult for common people to distinguish between the facts from the myths. While the doctors, nurses and researchers are busy treating the patients and finding drugs and vaccines for the cure, there is a dire need to break the myths and expose the facts to people. This will not only create awareness amongst all but will also lessen the panic.
Vigneshwar Senthilvel, a student from CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), has created a series of myth busters called the ‘Foolproof April’.He distinguishes the myths from the facts associated with COVID-19 simply and uniquely. I have compiled a few of his infographic posters here. This is part 1 of his series. More posters will follow in part 2.